Tennis Rackets Tips

Read these 24 Tennis Rackets Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Tennis tips and hundreds of other topics.

Tennis Rackets Tips has been rated 3.2 out of 5 based on 1544 ratings and 6 user reviews.
What is the sweet-spot?


The Sweet-Spot is the central position on the tennis racket face for producing the perfect shot. Wilson, Head and Prince produce tennis racquets that give you the biggest Sweet-Spot area possible

Why is stiffness a good thing with tennis rackets?

Stiffer Racket Advantages

A stiffer frame generates more power. A stiffer frame has a larger sweetspot. A stiffer tennis racquet frame transmits more of the shock load to the arm than a more flexible frame. A stiffer frame provides a more uniform ball response across the entire string plane.

What's the difference between a midplus and a midsize tennis racket?


The midplus tennis racquet is a compromise - more powerful than the midsize tennis racquet but not as powerful as the oversized. These tennis racquets are becoming more popular than midsize racquets.

What should you do if you are confused about headsizes?


If you are confused about headsize, the best thing to do is to try two of the same kind of tennis racket in different headsizes and see which one you are most comfortable with.

How long are the new longer tennis racquets?

Extra Long Rackets

The new longer tennis rackets are typically about 28 inches long. Given that most tennis racket manufacturers like Prince Tennis Racquets, now produce a longer racket, it's safe to say that this idea does work. It seems to help add a little power to the serve. The only tricky part is making sure that you can still hit the same kind of stroke with the longer rackets that you can with a normal racket.

What are bumper guards on tennis racquets?

Avoiding Racket Cracks

Avoid impacts with hard objects or court surfaces which may cause cracks or breakage in the frame. Tennis Racquets have bumper guards or head tape that protect the tennis racquet from on-court scrapes. If the bumper shows excessive wear or exposes the frame, replace both the bumper guard and the grommet strips.

What are oversized tennis rackets best suited for?


Generally, the oversize (110-115 sq. in.) or super oversize (116-135 sq. in.) tennis racquets are best suited for baseline players or doubles players because they hit many strokes and tend to utilize the extra area to help with topspin production. An oversized racket means you have more area to hit the ball (larger sweet spot), and the racket is more forgiving on off-center shots.

Why would you need a longer tennis racket frame?

Longer Frames

Longer tennis racket frames have higher swing weight than the same frames that are shorter hence the longer tennis racket frames are less maneuverable. Longer frames generate more power than the same frame that is shorter.

Why is less tennis racket weight better for your game?


Tennis Racquets right now weigh about 11 and 1/2 ounces and decreasing with time. Some racquets are even less than 10 ounces. The lighter a tennis racquet, the easier it is to swing. However, light racquets place less weight behind the shot, and hence you have to swing faster to get a more powerful shot.

What does the rattle in your tennis racket mean?

Racket Rattles

A rattle in your tennis racket may be caused by some loose graphite, this is not normally a cause for concern. Check the butt cap for a trap door. Remove the trap door, using a small-pointed hard object, and tap lightly on a hard surface to release the loose graphite. Watch for this problem when buying a used tennis racquet.

What is the advantage of using a smaller tennis racket head?

Does size matter?

Generally, advanced players prefer a smaller tennis racquet head size, from 85-95". Since most advanced players have a longer and faster swing, a smaller head size helps control the ball. Conversely, beginners and some intermediates tend to prefer a larger head size, which gives them a bigger sweet spot, and is generally more forgiving when mishits occur. No matter which size you choose, be sure to demo the racquet first before you make a buying decision.

Where should tennis rackets never be stored?

Racket Care

Do not store the tennis racquet inside your car or in your trunk. Synthetic strings begin to lose tension at about 110 degrees F (43 degrees C). On a sunny, 90 degree F (32 degrees C) day, the temperature inside your car can soar to as much as 140 degrees F (60 degrees C) which is hot enough to even soften the resins in a frame and distort the racket. If you are planning a game after work, take your tennis racquet into the office; do not leave it in the car!

What are the advantages of a heavy tennis racket frame?

Heavy Frame Advantages

A heavier tennis racket frame generates more power. A heavier frame also vibrates less and has a larger sweetspot. Your local pro-shop should have a variety of frames on display for you to try. Quality brands like Wilson are your best bet.

Why do you need tennis racquet covers?

Racket Storage

Off court, a cover or racquet bag will help protect the racket. Store racket in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight. Excessive heat, cold, or moisture can damage your tennis racquet and strings, and sunlight may fade the racket cover. When purchasing a racket try to make sure it comes with a cover especially if you are buying used tennis racquets.

Why are head light tennis rackets so great?

Head balance

Head light tennis rackets are better for serve and volleyers who need to move the tennis racket quickly. A head heavy racket is a little better for baseliners who want to place more mass behind the racquet. Most tennis rackets are only marginally head heavy or head light.

Why does a larger tennis frame give you more power?

Larger Frames

A larger tennis racquet frame like you'd find on some Prince racquets generate more power. A larger frame is more resistant to twisting. A larger frame has a larger sweetspot. Larger frames break strings sooner due to the string lengths.

What's a super-oversized tennis racket?


Some companies, like Wilson rackets, have introduced super-oversized tennis racket models, which are a bit larger than oversize (typically about 116-120 sq. in.). There are even a few models around 130 sq. inches, which are probably much too big for reasonable play and should be avoided.

What is the advantage of using a longer tennis racquet?


Longer tennis racquets gives you added leverage, increasing power yet maintaining control. The added leverage also produces heavy topspin for groundstrokes and serves, providing more control for those shots. For those of you looking for power, the tennis racket length should be between 28.5-29 inches like you'd fine with the some Wilson tennis Racquets. For a mixture of power and control, the tennis racquet should be 27.5-28 inches, and for control, 27 inches.

What is the deal with tennis racket balance?

Head Length

Take a tennis racquet and find the length half way. A tennis racquet is typically 27 inches long so this is 13 1/2 inches. If the racquet balances halfway, then it is even balance. If it tilts to the racquet head, it is head heavy. If it tilts toward the handle, it is head light. The balance of a racquet can make two racquets of equal weight feel different.

What type of tennis rackets are good for performance?

What is a Performance Racquet

There is a dizzying array of help for performance racquets today like Wilson, Head and Prince tennis racquets. These racquets are unstrung, and are generally quite a bit more expensive than pre-strung racquets. But, there is also a world of difference in material, weight, feel and overall performance between the two types of racquets. Go to a qualified tennis professional, and they can assist you in selecting the correct frame for your playing style.

How have rackets changed over the years?

How has racquet weight changed?

Tennis racquet technology has changed dramatically in the last 15-20 years. From the venerable Jack Kramer "woody", of the 50's, and 60's, to the T 2000 steel frame of the 70's, we now have space age technology in tennis frames. Graphite and fiberglass, used by NASA to build the Space Shuttle, have replaced many of the Kevlar frames of the 80's. They make the tennis racquets lighter and more powerful. It is one of the reasons that the game has become so fast recently. When shopping, look to the top brands like Wilson, Prince and Head tennis racquets that would utilize this tennis technology.

What's the rule of thumb with tennis racket width?


Generally, Wider - More powerful, stiffer, more expensive. Widebodies are usually 18mm (very narrow) up to 30mm wide. The general rule of thumb is that the quicker and longer a stroke motion you have, the narrower a tennis racquet you should use (not a hard-and-fast rule, though).

What are the sizes of midplus and midsize tennis rackets?

Midsize and midplus

Head midsize tennis racquets or any other mid-size rackets for that matter are (less than 89 sq. in.). Midplus tennis rackets are (90-105 sq. in.). They are often preferred by all court or serve and volley players. Though a midsize tennis racket is usually a little better for volleyers who play against hard hitters because it provides a bit of control.

What are the difference between larger and smaller tennis racquet head sizes?

Head Size

Larger headsize of tennis rackets (like you'd find with some Wilson Tennis Rackets) gives you power, smaller headsize gives you control. For those of you looking strictly for power, the head size should be between 107” and 125”. If you want a mixture of power and control, the head size should be between 100” and 105”. And for control freaks, the head size should be between 85” and 98”.

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