Tennis for Beginners Tips

Read these 22 Tennis for Beginners Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Tennis tips and hundreds of other topics.

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Where can you find tennis tips online?

101 Tennis Tips

Not sure where to find lots of tips to help your game, from serve to volley, forehand to overhead? Get some online tennis lesson tips by going to, and locate 101 Tennis Tips. The tips are good for anyone in the "tennis for beginners" stage to more advanced players.

How can you practice tennis strokes on your own?

Another Ball in the Wall

If you don't have a partner, ANY wall will groove your ground strokes. Try this free tennis lesson on your own. Play up close to the wall to hit the ball in the center string as much as possible. Then, move back and let the ball bounce twice against the wall, hitting the ball softly! This will give you the rhythm and timing essential for ground strokes!

Why do you need to work on your serve and return?

Two Important Strokes in Match Play

Whether your taking a tennis lesson or reading a tennis for beginners book, one of the first things you'll learn about are the two most important shots in tennis. The serve and the return. If you're interested in playing competitively, you must have a solid and consistent serve and return. Why? At the intermediate level and below, most shots don't last beyond 4 or 5 shots!

Why does it help to watch tennis pros play?

Be Like Andy Roddick!

Do you really want to learn fast? Then, watch and videotape the best professionals in action! First, DON'T watch the ball, but instead, the player. Next, review the videotape of the match you watched, in slow motion! This is the best way to get free tennis lessons from the absolute best of the best!

What type of tennis drill can help you hit the ball better?

Hand Quicker Than the Eye

Having trouble hitting the ball on the strings? Try this in your tennis lessons. Play catch with one ball, letting it bounce first. Then, one player tosses the ball, while the other bumps it back to the partner. Now, turn with your back to the tosser. Tosser calls "ball!", and you turn to bump it back. Ten in a row, then switch!

Why is it important to use audio, visuals with the kinesthetic as part of your tennis lesson?

Learn by Doing

Integrating the audio and visual with the kinesthetic are the best ways to learn specific strokes you are learning in your tennis lessons. It's not enough to hear it and see it. You must do it, and do it repeatedly until it "feels right" and you get the desired result you want.

How do you play the tennis game, 21?

Play 21!

Now it's time to complete the sandwich! 21 is a great tennis lesson that'll "groove the groundstrokes." Both players begin on the baseline, with one person hitting (not a serve) to the other. After 3 balls, the point is "live." The entire singles court is good. Be patient. This will make your groundstrokes great!

What is a great tennis drill you can do with your friend?

Bounce and Trounce Drill

Try this tennis lesson drill with a friend! With a few dozen balls, or preferably a "hopper" of balls, have your friend hit a "blooper" ball (high and slow) around the service line area. Take the ball as it's coming up, and hit it back with controlled power. It's a tough, but fun drill! Switch after 5 minutes!

How does a "cue" word help in a tennis lesson?

Forehands and Backhands

Having a "cue" word is important if you're learning any new shot. The groundstrokes are no exception. On your forehand, think "palm forward." On your backhand, think "knuckles forward." This will enable you to focus on the correct path of the racquet! Plus, get the most out of your tennis lessons.

What's a great warm-up drill to use in a tennis lesson?

30 Minutes to a Better Game

This is a great warmup drill taught to me by one of my mentors we did in every tennis lesson. Start with mini tennis, followed by crosscourt baseline strokes. Then move in, volley with the baseliner, then switch. Now volley to volley. Now, baseline to volley. Baseliner alternates groundstroke and lob, net player warms up volley and overhead. Switch. Done!

What's a free way to learn and build tennis skills?

Learn By Spectating

Not sure whether you're ready to play in a tennis tournament? One way to answer that question is to contact your community tennis association, and observe some matches. It'll be like getting free tennis lessons. You can observe their strokes and skills. Plus, you will find out very quickly whether you're ready or not!

What is mini-rallying?

The art of mini rallys

Want a tennis lesson that'll teach you groundstrokes fast? Then mini rallying is for you! Both players start just behind the service line, near the net. Bump (that means NO big swings)the ball back and forth with one bounce until control is achieved. 10 in a row as a team, then, play first to 11, using all 4 service boxes as your tennis court.

How does practice help you learn tennis better?

Practice Perfectly

Tony Robbins is fond of saying, "repetition is the mother of skill." But, you must repeat the skill you wish to acquire correctly in order to acquire the skill. That's why "perfect practice" is much better than practice. Perfect practice is the habit of focusing on your weaker shots and strokes until they become as strong as the strongest areas of your game. This can be accomplished with a 10 minute rally with the instructor at the end of each tennis lesson.

What is mini tennis?

Play Up Close to Learn Tennis

What is mini tennis? It's tennis played using the four service boxes close to the net--and, it's the best way to initially warm up before you start your tennis lessons! Try it, but remember--no big backswing, and don't wrap the racket around your throat. Just "bump" it back, and establish a mini rally!

What's the secret to a solid topspin lob?

Topspin Lobs

The secret to a solid topspin lob is disguise. Set up your lob like a regular groundstroke. Then, just prior to contact, accelerate the racquet head up, and watch the ball quickly fly over your opponents head! Before you attempt to play competitive tennis you should make sure this is covered in one of your tennis lessons.

What is a video tennis lesson?

Video Lessons Don't Lie!

Would you like a very quick way to improve your overall game? Try booking video tennis lessons. The pro will likely have you hitting balls against a ball machine, while he/she videotapes your strokes. Later, you'll analyze your strokes, and you'll see exactly what you're doing incorrectly, and exactly how to improve your stroke flaws.

How does teaching tennis help you learn tennis?

Learn by Teaching

Here's how to quickly learn what you've been taught at your tennis lessons. Teach it to others. When you learn the use of the opposite hand, for example, you need to immediately find a partner that has NEVER been exposed to that tip. Teach them the use of the opposite hand, and then ensure they understand it; the only way to teach this tip, or any tip in tennis properly, is to first understand it, and finally, to teach it to others!

What is a good doubles tennis drill?

Chip and Charge

Chipping and charging is great practice for doubles. Here is a great drill you should use in tennis lessons -- 2 or 4 play. One team hits the ball to start the game at the opponent's service line. The team receiving the ball attacks the ball, "chipping and charging" to the net. Play out the point, and switch hitters and receivers every 3 points. First to 21 wins!

How does Steven Covey's teaching theory help you learn tennis?

To learn, you must teach!

When taking tennis lessons try to keep the thoughts of Stephen Covey in mind. He has suggested that in order to learn any new skill well, you must teach it. That places the burden on you to really learn that skill. Additionally, you also need to concisely communicate that skill. In so doing, your skill in that subject will become that much better!

What trick can help you volley better?

Offensive Tennis!

Welcome to the front lines of tennis! Volleys and overheads are sometimes thought to be the hardest part of tennis lessons, but are not! For the volley, think "catch" to control the racquet and ball. For the overhead, think "relax" and your hand, wrist and arm will then do the work. From the book Tennis For Life.

What's the best way to learn baseline control?

The Two Bounce Drill

Here's a little "zest" for your tennis sandwich! Would you like to learn CONTROL from the baseline quickly? The "two bounce drill" is simple, it works and should be used in every tennis lesson. Both players hit from the baseline, striking the ball with a short swing, and targeting the opposite service boxes. Go for 10 in a row, then play first to 11! Have fun!

What is a good baseline tennis drill?

Play Mini Tennis

Having trouble controlling your baseline shots? Come up close and try your hand at "mini-rallys." Simply put, your job and your partner's job is to keep the ball within the confines of the 4 service boxes. See if you can sustain a 10 ball rally. Then, play to 15, using the entire area of the mini court! This game works great in group tennis lessons.

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