Tom Gullickson and Doug MacCurdy

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What can you tell me about Tom Gullickson and/or Doug MacCurdy, please?

Tom Gullickson and Doug MacCurdy

Tom Gullickson is best known for being the coach of many pro tennis players, including Andre Agassi, Pete Sampras, and Jennifer Capraiti. He was also the Davis Cup captain from 1994 to 1999, winning the cup in 1995.

In the past, Tom was known for being a twin: his brother, Tim, was also an excellent tennis player. The two played professionally for more than a decade. Both retired in 1986, with ten doubles titles won together, and went on to coach well-known players.

Doug MacCurdy was Director of USA Tennis Player Development from 1998 to 2001 and was Director of Development for the International Tennis Federation as well as its General Manager. Doug is also a published author on the sport of tennis with Strokes for Success. He is best known for his “academic” contributions to the sport, whereas Gullickson was more active in competitions, either as player or coach.



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